That means "Peace and Love"
My teacher taught me peace and love in French because of an AOII shirt I have that instead of the O it's a peace sign and it's tie-dyed. She referenced Vietnam in explaining my shirt...but I didn't expect her to know what AOII means anyway. Anyway, I thought it was cool since that's the phrase I practically live by and because I sign all my blog posts "Peace, Love, and ...." Way cool.
Well, my suitcases are out and almost filled, and all I really have left to pack are my toiletries. I can't believe it's already time to leave! These past 4 weeks have gone by SO fast. I leave around 5 tomorrow night and will be in Paris for 2 nights. I have all day Saturday to explore the city and that excites me greatly. I plan on hitting up the Musee d'Orsay, perhaps the Catacombs, and Notre Dame since I've only just passed by it but never actually gone in it. Then Saturday evening I am determined to find a nice restaurant that serves duck for my last meal in France! I can't wait! I splurged on a pretty nice hotel, since it's PARIS, and I'm pretty excited to just chill out and be touristy before heading back home. My flight leaves Paris at around 11:40 Sunday morning and I should get in to OKC at around 5 something Sunday night. I'm sure I'll be a super happy camper by then too!
Not much else to report on around here. We've all just been chilling out for our last week. We had a "family dinner" last night - the "dorm kids" - me, Katie, Ashley, Sean, William, Matt, and Diana. We all cooked our own dinner, set up a table in the middle of the hall, got all dressed up, and shared good food and laughs. Then we headed outside to the fire escape (it's a cool spiral staircase) and took some group pictures. Some were successful, some not so much. Then we just hung out and met up with some other students at L'Academie later on. L'Academie is a cool bar/pool hall across from the Gare. They have some pretty delicious 1664 blanche (blond beer) and it's just classy. Tonight a group of us are going out to dinner since it's our official last night as a group, and then we'll probably hit up the infamous Tahiti Bar down by the river. Oh how I will miss that place. Then tomorrow Katie, Ashley, and I catch the train to Paris, William and Matt hit up Clermont, and the rest leave Saturday. :-/ I'm excited to get home but I'm going to miss all the crazy kids I've met here. Thankfully the good majority of us go to OU so I'm sure there will be many a reunions in store.
Well time to head out and finish packing/get ready for dinner.
La Praix, L'amour, et Fun Times in Vichy